The road to retirement
Retirement should not be a goal of its own, it is a constraint.
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Retirement should not be a goal of its own, it is a constraint.
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Taylor W Hickem LinkedIn February, 2021
This report captures a moment in time both to look back at where I have been and what I have learned in the past 2.5 years and to look forward and refresh priorities. The report is written to myself as the primary audience to use as a reference to why I decided on a particular strategy, to check if the assumptions and conditions for the basis of that strategy have changed or not and adapt accordingly. The report could also appeal to anyone who could relate with the question of how to navigate the desire for a purposeful life with the practical needs to pay for basic living expenses and the constraints of the structure of modern society for how to access those resources, and balance different tensions in the time trade-off decisions of retirement planning.
A few questions that the report aims to address which are relevant to the situation that I face at the moment :
What have I learned so far from my 2.5 year break from regular employment?
What do I want to accomplish in the next 5 years and what do I need to prioritize now to have the best chance of getting there?
How worried should I be this year about losing S$ 37k from my net worth? and why?
What does that mean for how I plan for retirement?
Question responses in section: Taking stock